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A Unicellular Organism or a Single-Celled Organism

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Q: What is an organism called with only one cell?
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What is a organism named when they only have one cell?

A one celled organism is called a unicellular organism.

What are organisms made up of more than 1 cell?

An organism with only one cell is called a unicellular so an organism with more than one cell is called a multicellular meaning more than one cell

Organism that can exist only as a group of cells?

An organism that only exist as a group of cell is called multicellular organism. It is a living thing that is made of more than one cell.

What is composed of more than one cell?

When an organism is made of more then one cell it is called multicellular. When the organism is made of only one cell it is a single celled organism.

When an organism consists of only one cell it is referred to as?

A single celled organism is called unicellular.

An organism composed of only one cell is?

It is called a microorganism. An example is an amoeba.

What is an organism is made up of only one cell?

An organism that is only made up of one cell is a unicellular organism. Uni- meaning one. An organism with more than one cell is a multicellular organism, such as humans. An example of a unicellular organism is bacterium.

Is an organism with one cell called multi-cellular?

No, an organism with one cell is uni-cellular.

What is a monocellular organism?

An organism that has only one cell.

When can a single cell be called a organism?

A single cell can be called an organism when it is capable of carrying out all the functions of life independently. This includes activities such as metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, and reproduction. Examples of single-celled organisms that fit this definition include bacteria and some protists.

What is an organism called with one cell?


Describes an organism that consists of a single cell?

A unicellular organism that has only one cell. One of the largest of these is called Valonia centricosa. Bacteria is also in this classification. They carry out life processes to survive.