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Q: What is an organization of companies that exist for the purpose of hurting competition and keeping prices high?
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What is an organization of companies for the purpose of hurting competition and keeping prices high?

Well,The 1st letters is a tthat all

How a manager manages internal and external environment of the organisation?

A manager manages internal environment of the organization by keeping track of all the departments of the organization. A manager manages external environment of the organization by keeping track of all the customers, competitions and economy.

What peace keeping organization did Britain join in 1920?

The League of Nations.

Which peace keeping organization was established in June 1945?

uniteid natios

In an ecosystem predators disease and competition help prevent what?

helping from keeping the world from over-populating

International peace keeping organization 1945?

united nations

What organization is dedicated to keeping the peace and protecting human rights?

the United Nations

What peace keeping organization was created after world war 1?

The League Of Nations

What does book kipping mean?

Bookkeeping refers to an occupation that is responsible for keeping the financial records for an organization. This person records the transactions and accounts for the organization.

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A business is having trouble keeping up with the competition. They cannot respond to their customers like the competition. Which type of system will likely be able to help them solve this issue?

decision support system

Explain how would you be an asset in this organization?

I would be an asset to this organization by giving my skills, keeping good relationship with co- workers, customers and work properly.