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A rhetorical question is a 'question that doesn't require an answer because it's obvious what the answer would be often used in advertisments

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Q: What is an rhetorial question?
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What does rhetorial mean?

Rhetorical language is any language or wording that conveys a meaning through its structure and form, in addition to its content. Obviously an author can tell the reader something by simply saying it, but often employing a "rhetorical device" or a grouping of words with some rhetorical effect, can emphasize meaning or alter the author's tone. For example, many authors use the common rhetorical device of simile, a comparison with "like" or "as", to aid description. The use of the simile can add depth to the author's meaning, ease to the reader's understanding, and open comparisons for the future; this contrasts the alternate, non-rhetorical method of avoiding the simile and just describing the object in itself.

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The question is the answer to the answer of the question

Is it a question or An question?

It is "a question".

Why does this question have a question mark at the end?

because if it didnt have a question mark what question would be a question because the question had a question with a question?

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It will depend on the question and there is no clue in the question what it is about!It will depend on the question and there is no clue in the question what it is about!It will depend on the question and there is no clue in the question what it is about!It will depend on the question and there is no clue in the question what it is about!

What is the answer to this question if the question is the answer?

If the answer to this question is this question then the answer is: What is the answer to this question if the question? However, if you were not re-implying this specific question, then the answer is literally: The answer YOU WIN! TWICE!! Huh! I dont get it whats the question

If your answer to your question is the answer What is your question?

Question is the Answer

Is it a question to ask if this is a question?

Yes, it is. Furthermore,it would also have been a question if you had thought of asking a question that is a question related to a question mentioning a question.

What would be the answer to this question if the answer to this question was not the answer to this question?

Theriodicly, it's Question.

What is an analytical question?

An analytical question is a question that starts with the word why or how.

To answer a question with a question. what is this reffered to?

the question in an answer