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Under active thyroid is hypothyroidism.

The symptoms are dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, constipation, weight gain, loss of appetite, cold and heat intolerance, cold hands and feet, edema of face and fingers and feet, muscle weakness, muscle stiffness, muscle cramps, myalgias, headache, depression, anxiety, irritability, and moodiness. Those are most commonly seen and there are lots more. Hypothyroid disease effects every system in the body.

Clinical signs are low heart rate, low or high blood pressure, high cholesterol and/or triglycerides, and low body temperature.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Hypothyroidism is underactive thyroid.

increase - hyperthyroidism

decrease - hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism for adults and cretinism for very young children
Hypothyroidism is the name for an underactive thyroid. Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid condition.

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12y ago

The medical term for an underactive thyroid is hypothyroidism. It is used to describe a condition in which the thyroid fails to produce enough hormones to balance the body's system. The condition is more common in women over 50, but can strike women and men much earlier. An underactive thyroid may go undetected for years. The earliest stages of the condition do not generally cause any symptoms.

Symptoms develop gradually and can easily be blamed on another illness or simply chalked up to a sign of aging. One of the most common symptoms is a lack of energy and feeling tired all the time. A person may feel depressed as well. Hypothyroidism is linked to muscle aches and pains. Sensitivity to cold may also be experienced.

Women may notice their menstrual periods are heavier than normal. Brittle hair and nails are often associated with an underactive thyroid due to the lack of hormones. The skin may become unusually pale and dried out. Unexplained weight gain can indicate a problem with the thyroid. The face may look puffy, and a person's voice will sound hoarse.

Doctors will conduct a thyroid function test before making a diagnosis. A blood test will measure hormone levels, which will reveal an underactive thyroid. The blood test may also indicate an increase in cholesterol levels, which is a symptom of hypothyroidism. Older women are typically tested for the condition regularly. New testing methods are much more sensitive and can catch an underactive thyroid in the early stages, before symptoms are even noticed.

Once a hypothyroid diagnosis has been made, doctors will most likely prescribe a synthetic hormone. Hormone replacement therapy will need to continue for the rest of a person's life once an underactive thyroid has been discovered. The synthetic hormone medication is rather fast acting, and a person will begin to notice a relief from symptoms within weeks of starting the medicine. However, a doctor will need to adjust dosage periodically.

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11y ago

An underactive thyroid is a thyroid gland that is not producing sufficient thyroid hormones. It is also called a hypOthyroid.

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11y ago

An under-active thyroid does not produce sufficient thyroid hormones.

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hystomoto thyroid disease

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An underactive thyroid gland is commonly referred to as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can cause several symptoms including fatigue, forgetfulness, constipation, weight gain, water retention, as well as facial puffiness or swelling.

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There is no such thing as an underactive thyroid diet. An underactive thyroid, however, is characterized by symptoms including weight gain, depression, and sensitivity to coldness.

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it regulates metabolism and metabolism produces heat. its called the calorigenic effect.

What does the medical abbreviation TFT mean?

This stands for thyroid function testing. TFT's may be undertaken if a patient is suspected of suffering from hypothyroidism (a thyroid gland that is underactive), or hyperthyroidism (overactvie thyroid gland. These conditions result in not enough, or too much, thyroid hormones in the blood- and this causes various symptoms depending on the type.

Can medication treat an enlarged thyroid?

Yes. An enlarged thyroid gland can occur in two common conditions called hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Both conditions can be treated medically and/or surgically. For example, primary hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) can be treated by administering synthetic thyroid hormone (called levothyroxine). This decreases the signals from the brain that tell the thyroid to grow and work harder, consequently decreasing the size of the gland.

Is the thyroid gland an endocrine gland?

Yes! a thyroid gland IS an endocrine gland

What are the symptoms of the different kinds of thyroid problems?

There are different kinds of thyroid disorders. The two most common problems are hyperthyroidism in which the thyroid gland is overactive and hypothyroidism in which the thyroid gland is underactive. Each condition has its distinguished symptoms. However, the two disorders share some similar symptoms such as fatigue, heart problems and menstrual changes.

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