

What is an unhealthy snack?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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chips, pop, just junk i guess..

wow, i sound like a total hypocrite.. i love those things,


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Q: What is an unhealthy snack?
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you get no play at snack

What is the difference between a healthy snack and a unhealthy snack?

Too much of an un-healthy snack can be bad for you and raise fat. Too much of a healthy snack won't have too much of an impact on fatness though.

Why is it unhealthy to eat large amounts of snack food?

Well it depends on what type of snack foods your eating Its all about a balance diet so if your eating to much of the same snacks then it is unhealthy but if you eat different snacks maybe one healthy one unhealthy after lunch and one after dinner then you will be a healthy person. Hope this helps

Getting yourself a snack when you are hungry is an examples of?

Getting yourself a snack when you are hungry is considered by nutritionists as an example of unhealthy eating. It is recommended to always have a balanced diet.

How did George Crum inventions affect us?

He affected us by giving us a tasty snack to eat. Even though the potato chip is unhealthy and not the healthiest snack.

Is quiche an unhealthy snack?

Quiche is not a snack, but a main dish. It is generally a pretty good meal because you can put anything in it you want and has a basis of eggs, cream, and cheese in a pie shell.

How unhealthy is Cheestos?

I think what you are asking is "how unhealthy is Cheetos". Cheetos are a snack food which is highly processed with many food additives. Anything with those two components is not healthy to the body by any means.

How can we gain weight?

You can gain weight by eating food with high Calories.

How do you lose weight without eating special foods?

By exercising 1 hour a day. You must be persistent, and you must not eat unhealthy foods. Just eat less of your normal foods; snack on fruit and veg if you wish to snack.

Should kids have snack in school?

Yes they should because they are ready to do their homework and it might make them think faster. Unhealthy snacks just slow you down. (Also unhealthy snacks get you blood sugar high. Which gives you bad energy)

Should kids have healthy snack in school?

Yes they should because they are ready to do their homework and it might make them think faster. Unhealthy snacks just slow you down. (Also unhealthy snacks get you blood sugar high. Which gives you bad energy)