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A pier, man!

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Q: What is an upright masonry support?
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Related questions

What material did they use to build the tower of pisa?

It is mostly of masonry. It was upright when built but the foundations have subsided over time.

How much weight can your thigh support?

In the upright position the thigh bone can support about a ton (1000kg). Anything other than upright would depend on muscle strength.

How do I get started in masonry?

A career in Masonry has various organizations dedicated to helping others begin a masonry career. Many of these organizations offer training and some of support various apprenticeships that teach all phases of masonry. The first step to working in this field would be contacting one of those organizations for assistance.

What provides the main upright support for the body?

The spine or backbone.

What is the main support that holds your body upright?

the main support is your spine without it u would be dangling haha.

What is a needle beam and what is it used for?

used to support the load above an opening cut into an existing masonry wall

What is the definition of mast for ship?

An upright pole on a ship to support sails or antennae.

Define the word post-hole?

It is a hole dug in the ground to support an upright post

What are the types of stone masonry?

There are a few different types of masonry work. The types of masonry work are veneer, dry set masonry, solid masonry, brick masonry, concrete block, a-jacks, stonework, gabions, and bagged concrete.

What can large bones do to our body?

They are most important in allowing us to walk upright, support and protection.

How does a plant support itself in the upright position?

water pressure in the leaf, by the continuous transpiration pull.

Why does a grape plant need extra support for growing?

The ripening grapes become heavy, so the vine needs support to keep the plant upright.