


Masonry in the building of structures using mortar to piece together different materials, such as marble, concrete blocks, or bricks.

598 Questions

What is the standard volume of a concrete masonry unit?

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The standard volume of a concrete masonry unit, commonly referred to as a concrete block, is typically around 1,500-2,000 cubic inches or 23-33 liters. These dimensions can vary depending on the specific size and shape of the block.

Can lightning strike you in a swimming pool?

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Insurance companies seem to think it's likely, but that's not saying a whole lot. I swim in an indoor pool that is in the LOWER level of an athletic center, and when the front desk hears thunder . . . out we go for 30 minutes! Stupid.

I have done extensive research on the web to find an answer to the question of getting hit by lightning while swimming. In more than 450 cases I have looked at I have found only two in which one person, who was among others swimming in the ocean, was struck by lightning, and the other was a scuba diver, and the lightning actually struck his tank while he was coming out of the water. The first guy was surfing, so you might even say he was not technically in the water, but on it (perhaps making him more of a target?).

I have also found that while people do not seem to be struck by lightning in the water, many, many are struck just after getting out of the water to take shelter. I've yet to find one in which people are struck by lightning in a swimming pool--recently or any time in the "ignorant" past when people "didn't know better" to get out of the water when thunder was heard.

The whole idea of a pool-full of people being killed or electrocuted from a single strike in the water is ridiculous. I know it sounds right, though, since water is a good conductor of electricity. I have even read some pretty stupid remarks by "experts" that claim when lightning hits the water it disperses throughout the entire body of water. But this is simply not true, and research shows it not to be the case (hey, where are the thousands of dead fish that should wash up on shore after a stormy afternoon at the beach?). No "expert" can actually tell the truth about this because it is "conventional knowledge" that you are not to be in the water when thunder is heard--and insurance companies wouldn't like it.

How about this one: I found one story in which a man was killed by a lightning strike while sitting in his boat (a common place for people to get struck) while his two friends, who were swimming next to the boat, looked on, completely unharmed!

Most people who are struck were hit while standing out in the open, wet with rain, not under cover. And what happens when you get out of a pool? Hmmm, suddenly you are a lightning target standing in the open!

I've found many stories of people getting struck on a clear day, in their homes, in cars, laying on the ground, under trees, standing next to swimming pools--in short, all the places you are advised to go to take shelter. And only two of people being struck in the water (ocean, to be specific). There are probably more out there, but good luck trying to find them.

Perhaps, if proper research was conducted, it might actually turn out that we should all be diving into water when we hear thunder!

A bricklayer has 8 bricks Seven of the bricks weigh the same amount and 1 is a little heavier than the rest If the man has a balance scale how can he find the heaviest brick in only 2 weightings?

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First, divide the 8 bricks into 3 groups: 3 bricks on one side of the balance, 3 on the other, and leave 2 bricks aside. If the balance tips, the heavier brick is in the heavier group of 3. If the balance is even, the heavier brick is one of the 2 left aside. Next, weigh 2 of the 3 bricks from the heavier group. The heavier brick will be identified after these 2 weighings.

Swimming pool 80000 mL or 80000 L?

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80,000 millilitres would be 80 litres -- enough for a bathtub but not a swimming pool which would be more likely to hold 80,000 litres or 80 cubic metres of water, equivalent to a pool, say, eight metres long, five metres wide and two metres deep.

it depends on how big it is

What is the chemical ALK in a swimming pool?

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ALK stands for Alkalinity in a swimming pool. It measures the pool's ability to resist changes in pH, which is important for maintaining proper water balance and preventing fluctuations in acidity. Proper alkalinity levels help to ensure that pool water stays clear and comfortable for swimmers.

What acids are in Bricklayers cleaning kit?

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Bricklayers cleaning kits typically contain acids such as hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) or phosphoric acid to help remove mortar and grime from bricks. These acids are strong and should be handled with care, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Can you get a bacterial infection from a swimming pool?

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Yes, it is possible to get a bacterial infection from a swimming pool if the pool water is not properly treated or maintained. Bacteria such as E. coli and Pseudomonas can cause infections like skin rashes, ear infections, and gastrointestinal issues when ingested or come into contact with cuts or wounds while swimming. Regular maintenance of pool water, proper sanitation, and personal hygiene can help reduce the risk of bacterial infections.

How many grams does a bricklayers trowel weigh?

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A typical bricklayer's trowel weighs around 0.5 to 1 pound, which is equivalent to approximately 227 to 454 grams. The weight may vary based on the brand and design of the trowel.

What is Chemical properties of masonry in construction?

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The chemical properties of masonry materials in construction involve their reaction with environmental factors such as moisture, chemicals, pollutants, and temperature. Some common chemical processes include carbonation, sulfation, and efflorescence, which can affect the durability and appearance of masonry structures over time. Understanding these chemical reactions is crucial for ensuring the long-term performance and maintenance of masonry construction.

Why did rizal join the masonry?

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Rizal joined the Masonry to advocate for reforms and promote nationalistic ideals that would help improve the social and political conditions in the Philippines during Spanish colonial rule. He saw the Masonry as a platform to further his beliefs in freedom, equality, and education for his fellow Filipinos.

Is Kid Cudi a Mason or studying Masonry?

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There is no public information or evidence to suggest that Kid Cudi is a member of the Freemasons or studying Masonry. While some celebrities are known to be Masons, Kid Cudi's involvement with the organization has not been confirmed.

Is there sales tax on labor for masonry in ct?

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In Connecticut, sales tax is not typically applied to labor charges for services, including masonry work. However, materials used in the project may be subject to sales tax. It's recommended to consult with a tax professional or the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services for specific guidance.

Why would the bricklayers say such things?

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The bricklayers may say such things due to frustration, lack of communication skills, or a desire to vent their emotions. It could also stem from a sense of competition or wanting to assert their skills and knowledge in front of others.

What are the length of longhouse?

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Longhouses typically vary in length, but a common range is between 50 to 100 feet in length. The length of a longhouse would depend on factors such as the size of the community it serves and the cultural practices of the group residing in it.

What degree of masonry considered satanic?

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There is no inherent connection between masonry and satanism. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization focused on moral and philosophical growth. Any claim of satanic ties to masonry is likely based on misunderstandings or conspiracy theories.

What is a masonry grave?

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A masonry grave is a burial structure made of bricks, blocks, or stones. These types of graves are more commonly found in areas where the soil conditions make traditional burial difficult or impractical.

How much did a bricklayer earn in England in 1980?

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In 1980, a bricklayer in England would have earned an average salary of around £150-£200 per week, depending on experience and location.

What country got the best paid bricklayers?

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Its deafantly NOT the Uk. We are getting our Pants Pulled Down!!

£300.00 per Thousand Bricks. £8.00 per M2 of Block Insolation/DPC/Lintals/Ties/Trays all for free. Or inclusive in your price.

Avrage cost of labour for 3 bedroom detatched house. £4800.00

And the want in looking pitchure perfect.

Your will be lucky to get all your money from comany. I've been laying bricks 26 years. They allways have an excuse why they can't pay you. And make you sign contract so you have no rights before you comence work for them.

So you cant take them to court for nothing..

So anyone considering to learn brickwork.. forget it.. You will not be taught properly. You will be used to fetch and carry. There is no such thing in place now as an aprentistship. All bricklayers under the age of 40 have never done an aprentistship. There has never been nothing in place. 1989 was the final year companys really invested in aprentiships. Bricklayers of today, No disrespect to them, But they can only run the line.. They would not know where to start with bullseye's, arches, spiral piers.

In the collauges. They still teach 275mm cavity. When its been 300mm for at least 10 years. Students don't know what a cavity tray is, Or how to form one.

I would strongly advise against anyone considering the building trade. Companys of today want everything built for nothing. The managment.. Are not tradesment anymore. Just managers. Mabe were managers of a supermarket previously. They have no clue as to what is involved in major construction of a house. If it does not look like the pitchure in there book, Its wrong. They can not guide you, as they don't know. They will ask you what "your options are" to change some thing. You will need to show them, Or explain to them what you can do,Or offer as a subsertute to get around a problem in hand. They then will ofcourse give you there decision. And if its wrong..At a later date.. It will ofcourse be your fault completly. And it will cost you money from your wage. Or possibly your job. But you can not make a decision on your own.

Even if you build "As is Drawing" if this is wrong, Mesurments incorrect..This is also your fault it did not work. And they expect you to change this in your own time and not be payed for it.

Bricklayes do not exsist in the uk under the age of 40. Just trowel hands Or line men. If they were bricklayers they would have City in Guilds or Pitman. Part 1,2 and 3. With there indentures, A signed apprentiship.

N V Q is not an apprentistship of any discription. It means NOT VERY QUALLIFIED. In the building trade. Reconised.. But can not really build anything of worth. Sorry lads.. But its the truth. Its not your fault. Its just how the country has gone.

What does the skull on a Masonic Bible mean?

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The skull on a Masonic Bible typically symbolizes mortality and the importance of living a virtuous life. It serves as a reminder of the temporary nature of life and the need to strive for moral uprightness. In Freemasonry, it is often used to represent the concept of the "memento mori," or "remember that you will die."

What are the standard dimensions of typical concrete masonry units aka CMU's?

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finished out dimensions are 8"x8"x16"

basic dimensions of a concrete block are 7-5/8"x7-5/8"x15-5/8"

What salary does a bricklayer get?

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A Bricklayer is likely to charge $40 an hour for his work. He does not take all of this as profit though because he has to have insurance and pay for his tools.

How much does a 1st year apprentice bricklayer get paid?

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  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the earnings of bricklayers, based on survey information from May 2006, in hourly wages. The BLS reports a median hourly wage of $20.66. The middle 50 percent of bricklayers earned between $15.96 and $26.26 an hour. The bottom 10 percent earned less than $12.24 an hour while the top 10 percent earned more than $32.43.
  • Read more: How Much Does a Bricklayer Earn? in the Related Link below.

What grades do you need to become a bricklayer?

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Watch Bob the builder and get some magical talking machines that do all the work for you

How much do bricklayers make in Canada?

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Accoring to the salary of a bricklayer is:


High: 34$/h

Low:60,320$/ per year

High 70,720$/per year