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Q: What is another example of a fossl fuel?
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Related questions

Is coal a fossl fuel?

Yes, coal is a fossil fuel.

How fossl fuel are found and obtained?

Fossil fuels are found in the ground and are obtained by drills in the ocean pumping oil up into a long tube, then sorted in barrels.

Where do I get rampados in Diamond?

First you need to go under ground and dig up a skull fossl and take it to the mining museum and restore the fossl. once you do that you will get a cranidos and git it to level 30 and you get a rampardos.

How many were pepople were killed in Africa from fossl fuels?

yo modda

How do you get a fossl to get to a Pokemon?

you have to go underground and get a fossil then fly to orenburg mining muesem and talk to the guy

How do you get ignosaurus the second time?

you need to go to the locker room in fossl stadium and battle Saurhed

Why are fossl fuels going to run out?

Because there are alimited amount of them in the ground, once they have been pumped up or dug up and burnt they do not replace them selves.

What is an example of a liquid fossil fuel?

Oil is a liquid fossil fuel.

What is another name for fuel?

Some people think its fire but its actually coal.

What is the size of the fuel line?

A fuel line is a hose that is used to transport fuel from one point in a automobile to another. Fuel line sizes differ from one type of vehicle to another.

An example of a fossil fuel is?


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