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Echinacea, purple coneflower, Sampson root, or rudbeckia

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Q: What is another name for Missouri snakeroot?
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What is another name for rudbeckia?

Echinacea, purple coneflower, Sampson root, or Missouri snakeroot

What is another name for Sampson root?

Echinacea, purple coneflower, Missouri snakeroot, or rudbeckia

Is the Missouri snakeroot a febrifuge?

Missouri snakeroot is a febrifuge, useful in reducing fevers

How is the Missouri snakeroot grown?

The Missouri snakeroot propagates easily from seed or by root cuttings

Where is the Missouri snakeroot found?

The Missouri snakeroot is a North American prairie native, abundant in the Mid-west

What family is the Missouri snakeroot in?

It is in the daisy family

When does the Missouri snakeroot bloom?

From mid-summer to autumn

Does Missouri snakeroot produce side effects?

No side effects are reported with oral administration of Missouri snakeroot, either in tincture, capsule, or as a tea, when taken according to recommended doses

What is a black snakeroot?

A black snakeroot is another term for a black cohosh, Latin name Actaea racemosa, a species of flowering plant native to eastern North America.

Does the Missouri snakeroot treat boils?

It has been used effectively to treat boils

How did the Cheyenne use Missouri snakeroot?

The Cheyenne tribe chewed the root to quench thirst

How did the Sioux use the Missouri snakeroot?

The Sioux tribe valued the root as a remedy for snake bite