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Q: What is another name for distributing arteries?
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The arteries that are also called distributing arteries are called?

muscular arteries

What is another name for harding of the arteries?

Another name for atherosclerosis is "hardening of the arteries." LDL or "bad cholesterol" is the raw material of cholesterol plaques.

Other name for arteries?

the other name for the arteries are "blood vessels"

What are the first branches of the aorta called?

the coronary arteries which pump blood to the heart. Then comes the brachiocephalic trunk which turns into the right subclavicular artery and the right carotid and then the left carotid and left subclavicular come.

Name of the arteries which supply the nail matrix?

name the arteries which supply the nail matrix?

What are arteries called?

Blocked arteries are called coronary arteries. Carotid artery disease is another named for blocked arteries. This should be determined by a doctor.

What are blocked arteries called?

Blocked arteries are called coronary arteries. Carotid artery disease is another named for blocked arteries. This should be determined by a doctor.

What is the interventricular sulcus?

According to some, it is another name for the patellar surface of the anterior distal femur.

What is the scientific name for arteries?

The scientific name for arteries is "arteria." Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.

What is the difference between elastic arteries muscular arteries and arterioles relative to location histology and functional adaptation?

Elastic (conducting) arteries are the large arteries close to the heart that expand during systole, acting as pressure reservoirs, and then recoil during diastole to keep blood moving. Muscular (distributing) arteries carry blood to specific organs; they are less stretchy and more active in vasoconstriction. Arterioles regulate blood flow into capillary beds.

Is pulmonary artery an elastic artery?

Yes! It is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood (other than umbilical arteries in the fetus), it is located close to the heart, where large (conducting) arteries don't have smooth muscles like medium-sized (distributing) arteries have.

Name three blood vessels?

the three blood vessels are the Veins capillaries Arteries the arteries.