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Q: What is another name for large farms in the south?
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What name was given to large farms in the south that required many workers to keep them running?


What is another name for large farm?

Depends what's raised on that large farm. Not all large farms are called ranches, and not all ranches are farms. A large farm is often just called a large farm, a plantation (especially in the southern US), or a large farm. Also, large farms in Australia are called stations.

What is a name for a large farm?

Depends what's raised on that large farm. Not all large farms are called ranches, and not all ranches are farms. A large farm is often just called a large farm, a plantation (especially in the southern US), or a large farm. Also, large farms in Australia are called stations.

On creature breeder how do you get more farms?

go to manage my farms and say add another farm and then name it

Cumberland Falls is a large waterfall on the Cumberland River in southeastern Kentucky What is another name for it?

The Niagara of the South.

Name for the large estate farms of Latin America?

The large estate farms in Latin America were called haciendas. Some of there were cattle ranches and some were different types of plantations.

What is a cabassou?

A cabassou is another name for the southern naked-tailed armadillo, a large armadillo native to South America.

Can you name some plants raised on farms in South Dakota?

Corn, Soybeans and wheat.

In the Prairie Provinces there are large companies that run farms. What are these called?

A lot of the large companies that run farms are farms or ranches that are family owned: A company is just another business term for a group of people who operate a business, no matter if it's a farm, a ranch or a cosmetics-producing company. They are just called "companies," often with a name in front like "Blue Ridge Cattle Co." for instance.

What are Clydesdale's used for on farms?

Clydessdale`s are large working horses. They get their name from the origins working on Scottish farms. They were used in agriculture, for hauling coal and logging.

What is the name of the large island to the south east of France?

Corsica is a large island south east of France.

What is an ausubo?

An ausubo is another name for the balata tree, a large South American tree which yields latex and edible yellow berries, Latin name Manikara bidentata.