

What is another phrase for muck about?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Here are a lot of fun slang words for the same thing.

  • Goof off
  • Dilly Dally
  • Screw around
  • Real meaning is : delay and do not do the responsible thing
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You could say "I am contemplating what to do next".

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Mock exam is the correct phrase.

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An alternative sentence

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No, muck fires can start anywhere there is muck. That's why they're called MUCK fires, not Florida fires.

What is another word for muck?

Dirt, droppings, poo, mud, slurry, manure, dust, sludge.

Use muck in a sentence?

The truck got stuck in the muck.

What is the plural of muck?

Muck is a mass noun, it has no plural form.

When was Karl Muck born?

Karl Muck was born in 1859.

When did Karl Muck die?

Karl Muck died in 1940.

When was Daniel Muck born?

Daniel Muck was born in 1976.