

Best Answer

Almost every possible way that one can save water everyday has been thought before.

But here are a few common ones:

    • When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
    • #3 Some refrigerators, air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with wasted flows of water. Consider upgrading with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings.
    • #4

      Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.

    • #5

      Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.

    • #6

      Choose shrubs and groundcovers instead of turf for hard-to-water areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips.

    • #7

      Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.

    • #8

      Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste instead and save gallons every time.

    • #9

      Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more plentiful.

    • #11For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. This way, every drop goes down you and not the drain.
    • Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. Your bill and water meter are tools that can help you discover leaks.
    • #12

      Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.

    • #13

      Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.

    • #14

      Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants retains moisture and saves water, time and money.

    • #15

      Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk and save water every time.

    • #16

      If your shower fills a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace the showerhead with a water-efficient model.

    • #17

      Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.

    • #18

      If water runs off your lawn easily, split your watering time into shorter periods to allow for better absorption.

    • #19

      We're more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don't forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers and hoses for leaks.

    • #20

      If you have an automatic refilling device, check your pool periodically for leaks.

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  1. Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or cleaning.
  2. Verify that your home is leak-free, because many homes have hidden water leaks. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.
  3. Repair dripping faucets by replacing washers. If your faucet is dripping at the rate of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year which will add to the cost of water and sewer utilities, or strain your septic system.
  4. Check for toilet tank leaks by adding food coloring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, color will appear within 30 minutes. Check the toilet for worn out, corroded or bent parts. Most replacement parts are inexpensive, readily available and easily installed. (Flush as soon as test is done, since food coloring may stain tank.)
  5. Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Dispose of tissues, insects and other such waste in the trash rather than the toilet.
  6. Take shorter showers. Replace you showerhead with an ultra-low-flow version. Some units are available that allow you to cut off the flow without adjusting the water temperature knobs.
  7. Use the minimum amount of water needed for a bath by closing the drain first and filling the tub only 1/3 full. Stopper tub before turning water. The initial burst of cold water can be warmed by adding hot water later.
  8. Don't let water run while shaving or washing your face. Brush your teeth first while waiting for water to get hot, then wash or shave after filling the basin.
  9. Retrofit all wasteful household faucets by installing aerators with flow restrictors.
  10. Operate automatic dishwashers and clothes washers only when they are fully loaded or properly set the water level for the size of load you are using.
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