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Q: What is another way to say lunch treat?
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Is this sentence correct Mark have lunch?

The correct way to say this would be "Mark HAD lunch." This means he already ate it. You could also say "Mark WILL HAVE lunch," meaning sometime in the future. Another correct sentence would be "Mark HAS lunch." This means that he is in possession of lunch but has not eaten it yet.

What is another way to say lunch bunch?

Soup group, pub club, Poppy's Sloppies, brown-baggers, The Quieter Dieters. I am SURE there are more out there!

What is a divine force?

The belief is that the way you treat nature or another object is the way that nature or that object will treat you.

Is have you ate a nutritious lunch right sentence or have you eat a nutritious lunch right?

I think the correct way to say it is " Have you eaten a nutritious lunch?" Hope it helps!

How do you trick or treat in apartment?

just say trick or treat in a nice way

What is another way to say you have?

you've got is another way to say you have.

Do you guys believe in evil?

Do I believe in it? More correctly, I'd say I recognize's everywhere.....from the moment we are conceived, in thoughts, in actions, in motives, in the way we treat one another, in the way we treat the earth and its creatures, in the way we live, in the way we die. You'd have to be a stone not to "believe in" evil.

Which is correct Please join my mom and I for lunch OR Please join my mom and me for lunch?

The easiest way to figure out these kind of grammar questions is to drop the other person (in this case, Mom) from the sentence and listen to how it sounds. For example, would you say: Please join I for lunch? Or would you say: Please join me for lunch? I think you would agree the second way is correct so you would say, Please join Mom and me for lunch.

What is another way to say and so on?

et cetera is another way to say and so on

What does it mean when a guy says he is jealous when you complement another guy or when you do not ask him to lunch in a joking way?

To be quite honest sometimes guys say it in a joking way, but they actually mean what they had said.. chances are he likes you. Hope I helped. :]

What does religion say about the environment?

they all say that it is wrong to treat the environment in a bad way

The parents treats the children in accordance with his place in the family and soon the child recognizes that place.Paraphrase this sentence in two ways?

You could say "the parents treat the child good and the child know it's place". Another way is " The child know it's place in the family due to the parents treating him that way." Another way is " the parents treat the kids how they were born in that order".