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Q: What is another word for change in metamorphic rocks?
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What type of rock is a metamorphic?

the word "metamorphic"is derived from greek which wean changing form.Therefore metamorphic rocks are the rocks which are formed when one type of rock changes into another type after having been subjected under intense heat or pressure.the process of changing one rock type to another rock is calle rock cycle

Why are rocks called rocks?

I call mine 'Lumpy', but it still won't come to me!But seriously, folks: Marble and slate are just two of the many types of metamorphic rocks on planet earth.Please see the related link below for more information:

Where does the word metamorphic come from?

Latin:"meta-" = change of state "morphic" = shape

What is a nonfoliated texture?

A non-foliated rock is a metamorphic rock that does not display a lamellar texture or distinct light and dark banding common to foliated metamorphic rocks. Non-foliated rock includes quartzite, marble, and metabasalt. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks are most often derived from single mineral sedimentary rocks like limestone and quartz sandstone. == == == ==

Why are fossils found in sedimenta rocks but no in igneous or metamorphic rock?

there arnt any rocks in metamorphic because they would be destroyed by whatver made the rock, the igneous rock is made from lava/magma when it hardens so any fossil structure would burn or disintegrate before the rock even solidified, the sedimentary rock is covered by more layers of dust or dirt or rock after the remains (fossil)is there many times the remains dont survive becoming fossils even sedimentary rock because of the pressure or erosion.

Related questions

What is Another word for change in metamorphic?

Metamorphism, transformation...

What class of rocks has a name relating to or meaning change?

Metamorphic rocks, where Metamorphosis is the Greek word meaning "change of form". Please see the related links.

How do you use metamorphic in a sentence?

The word "metamorphic" is the adjective form of the word "metamorphism. " An example of a sentence using the word "metamorphic" is "Metamorphic rocks are the product of a process called metamorphism, in which existing rocks and minerals undergo a transformation. "

What does the term metamorphism mean?

It means a change, as when a larval insect becomes a winged adult. The word itself means "life change." The word metamorphosis is used metaphrically to mean any marked change from one state to another, as in metamorphic rocks.

What does the word metamorphic come from?

Metamorphic comes from metamorphism which is Greek for "change of form". Metamorphic rocks originate from sedimentary and igneous rocks.

How do you make make sentence using the word metamorphic?

Metamorphic rocks are a type of rock along with igneous and sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is a metamorphic?

the word "metamorphic"is derived from greek which wean changing form.Therefore metamorphic rocks are the rocks which are formed when one type of rock changes into another type after having been subjected under intense heat or pressure.the process of changing one rock type to another rock is calle rock cycle

What rock is a metamorphic rock?

Amphibolite Blueschist Eclogite Gneiss Granulite Greenschist Greenstone Hornfels Marble - limestone Marble - dolomite Migmatite Phyllite Quartzite Schist Serpentinite Slate Soapstone

Why are rocks called rocks?

I call mine 'Lumpy', but it still won't come to me!But seriously, folks: Marble and slate are just two of the many types of metamorphic rocks on planet earth.Please see the related link below for more information:

What rock was oringinally a metamorphic rock?

No rock was originally a metamorphic rock. By the definition of the word metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been formed from other rocks (sedimentary or igneous) either by formation of new minerals because of temperature and pressure changes or by changing the texture of the rock by large stresses shearing the rock.

Can metamorphic rocks be sedimentary or igneous rocks?

there are several ways such as heat & pressure, melting, chemical weathering, compression, compaction & cementation, but it depends on the kind of rock it is for what process it has to go through. -Cutegirl99

What are facts about metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic rocks are formed by pressure and heat. You can tell them apart by their texture. The 2 categories of texture are foliated or non-foliated. Foliation refers to the layering and alignment of the rocks crystals. Metamorphic rocks are also identified by looking at its mineral composition. For instance Quartzite is identified by its quartz sand grains.