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Q: What is another word for embryo in a plant?
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What is another name for a baby plant inside the seed?

The young plant inside a seed is called an embryo. no the embyro is fertilized to create the seed. the answer is an enbryonic plant


another name for a young plant is an embryo

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The plant is the embryo. When the seed begins to germinate and become a plant that is when it is an embryo.

Give me a sentence using embryo?

The embryo of a plant is within the seed could be a sentance. The plant embryo is the initial development stage of the plant.

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the ---------- contains food for the embryo?

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a plant embryo

What is another word for embryo?

Zygote is pre-embryonic and a fetus is post-embryonic however I don't know a perfect synonym for embryo.

What is the function of an embryo in a seed?

Embryo forms new plant after development .

Where is embryo located in a plant?

An embryo is located in the seed of a plant.

What needs to happen before the plant embryo can push its way out the seed coat?

The embryo is the baby plant. It has an embryo root to push its way eventually out of the seed coat, and embryo stem, and embryo leaves which will later start food production.

What contains food in the plant embryo?

A plant embryo needs only good soil, sunlight, and carbon dioxide (CO2) to grow into an adult plant.

What is a another name for zygote?

One would think it's embryo but a zygote is not a embryo yet, it is the early stage of what will become a embryo. Zygote is the word used and you can use the word cell since a zygote is the initial cell formed after a sperm and egg have joined. After 1 week it has transformed into a embryo.