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Q: What is another word for falling heavily that's like floor but take away 2 letters and ad 1?
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With the word floor take out 2 letters of it and add 1 letter which must has a meaning to drop or fall heavily?

i think it's flop

does grant cover falling floor?

does grant money cover falling flooring

What does falling mean in dance?

you fall on the floor

Why is falling on a floor with more give less dangerous than falling on a floor with less give?

When a person (or any object) falls on a floor, the damage is usually caused by rapid deceleration. When the floor has more give, the object will decelerate more slowl Another Answer: Newton's first law of motion tells us that any object in motion tends to want to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. In the case of people falling, injuries occur from deceleration because not all parts of the body stop at once. The leading parts of the body, usually extremities, contact the floor first, followed by the core of the body, and then followed by the internal organs colliding with one another and against the outer structures. Energy left over from the falling motion is either turned into heat, or reflected back into the falling body, causing further injury as structures and organs get jostled around. When falling to a floor that has "give" to it, this means that the floor can flex when explosed to the energy of a falling body, and dissipate some of that energy, slow deceleration, and reducing the likelihood of injury. The amount of energy is determined by both the mass of the person falling, and the speed at which he or she is falling, so after a certain point, even a floor with "give" is not going to flex enough to avoid significant, likely fatal injury.

Is heavily an adverb?

Yes. It means in a heavy, weighty, or extensive manner. "He fell heavily to the floor." "The device was heavily modified to withstand underwater pressure."

Number of the floor that is missing in Wayside School?

Nineteenth Floor. Wayside School is falling down.

List possible accidents at home?

Falling off a ladder, stubbing your toe on concrete walkway, spilling a drink on the floor, breaking dishes and glassware on the floor, falling down, etc.

How do you get past the falling floor in Nabooti Island's Giza on Poptropica?

To get past the falling floors, let the floor drop you, then when you fall to the bottom you will see a list of pictures. (Start from the bottom) When you have seen all the pictures, head back to the falling floors. When you get there you have to remember all the pictures in the correct order. Can't remember them? Maybe draw them in order! :D When you're at the falling floors, remember the pictures on the first floor you jump on will have pictures from the list on it. Memorize the pics and the first pic you must jump on which is on the first falling floor.

When falling on a concrete floor compared with falling on a cushioned floor what is the force that stops your momentum?

The force involved is the electromagnetic force either way. Physics doesn't much care how pleasant the experience is for you.

What is a sentence with heavily in it?

Vaulting over the port gunwale to the safety of the boat's open deck, I chortled as I landed heavily in it. The plumber's tool bag landed heavily on the marbled tile floor. The smell of death hung heavily in the misty morning air.

Explain why you sustain more serious injury falling from a third floor window than falling from a first floor window even though you experience the same gravity?

you have more time to fall faster

What has 6 letters and lives on the ocean floor?
