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Atomic number 3

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Q: What is another word for lithium?
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What are the word equasions for burning lithium in oxygen?

The word equation for burning lithium in oxygen is: lithium + oxygen -> lithium oxide. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 4Li + O2 -> 2Li2O.

Lithium and chlorine word equation?

The word equation for the reaction between lithium and chlorine is: Lithium + chlorine → lithium chloride.

Word equation for lithium oxide and water?

The word equation for the reaction between lithium oxide and water is: lithium oxide + water -> lithium hydroxide.

What is the word equation is used to neutarlizes sulfuric acid using lithium hydroxide?

The word equation for neutralizing sulfuric acid using lithium hydroxide is: sulfuric acid + lithium hydroxide -> lithium sulfate + water.

What does the word lithos?

The Latin word lithos translates into English as lithium. In Spanish this word translates as litio and in French it is also lithium.

What does the word lithos means?

The Latin word lithos translates into English as lithium. In Spanish this word translates as litio and in French it is also lithium.

Why is lithium called lithium?

The Latin in turn derives from the Greek word for small stone.Read more: What_does_the_Latin_word_'lithium'_mean

Where did lithium get its name?

Lithium got its name from the Greek word "lithos," meaning stone. This is because lithium is commonly found in various types of rocks and minerals.

What is the word equation for the reaction of lithium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

The word equation for the reaction of lithium carbonate and hydrochloric acid is: lithium carbonate + hydrochloric acid → lithium chloride + water + carbon dioxide.

How lithium got his name?

The name of lithium is derived from the Greek word lithoswhich has the meaning stone.

What language is lithium from?

Lithium is derived from the Greek word "lithos," which means "stone."

When lithium forms a bond what happens?

When lithium forms a bond, it loses its one valence electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. This electron is transferred to another atom, usually a non-metal, to form an ionic bond. This results in lithium becoming a positively charged ion with a full outer shell.