

What is another word for mr?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What is another word for mr?
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Some nick names and stuff are Mr. Mom, SAHD, male-nanny, Mr. Nanny

What part of speech is the word Mr?

The word Mr is an abbreviation. It is an abbreviation of the word mister.

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The Brazilian word for Mr is "Senhor."

What does mean MR?

Mr stands for the word "Mister." That word is used for all gentlemen, married or not. Mr is a common word used for just about everyone who is unfamiliar with each other. For example, Mr. Smith.

What does Mr. mean?

Mr stands for the word "Mister." That word is used for all gentlemen, married or not. Mr is a common word used for just about everyone who is unfamiliar with each other. For example, Mr. Smith.

What does Mr mean?

Mr stands for the word "Mister." That word is used for all gentlemen, married or not. Mr is a common word used for just about everyone who is unfamiliar with each other. For example, Mr. Smith.

What is the word for Mr or Mrs or Ms or Dr or Lt etc?

These are typically called titles in most situations. Honorifics is another term for them.

What is another word for Mrs and Mrs?

The original terms are Master and Mistress, abbreviated as Mr. and Mrs. Nowadays, we say Mister and Missus.

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mr. gold's

What is the Indonesian word for mr?

It is: Pak

What movie titles contain the word Mr?

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Imporium, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.