

What is another word for radiate?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Shone. The sun shone. Radiation is the transfer of energy by "shining out". Sunshine is radiated from the Sun. Radio waves are a form of radiation. You use radiated heat energy if you toast your bread the old-fashioned way on a toasting fork in front of a brightly burning fire. Your electric toaster works in the same way.

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13y ago

You could use "beam", "shine", "give off", or "glow".

I prefer to use "emit".

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heat wave

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The root of the word "radioactive" is "radio," which comes from the Latin word "radius" meaning ray or beam.

How much longer do most scientists believe the Sun will radiate?

Most scientists believe that the Sun will continue to radiate for another 5 billion years. This is because the Sun is in the middle of its main sequence phase, where it fuses hydrogen into helium. Once the hydrogen fuel runs out, the Sun will evolve into a red giant and eventually become a white dwarf.