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Q: What is another word for what is a large eyed tree dweller?
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What are the limiting factors for the red eyed tree frog?

having large eyes

What does the word Cheyne mean?

Dweller under the oak tree.

What are some enemies of the red eye tree frog?

The Red Eyed Tree Frog has enemies. Some of the enemies are birds, owls, large snakes, and bats. The Red Eyed Tree Frog has ways to protect itself. This frog has camouflage. This makes it so this frog is not endangered.

What is a red eyed tree frog common name?

Red-Eyed Tree Frog tadpole, or simply, "Tadpole".

What kind of snakes and birds eat a Fred eyed tree frog?

A snake that will eata red eyed tree frog is a Cat-Eyed snake.

Is the red-eyed tree frog wild or domesticated?

The Red Eyed Tree Frog is both. You can have it in the wild or in your home.

How do red eyed tree frogs grow?

red eyed tree frogs can get up to 4 inches long.

What is better to keep as a pet for a beginner a green tree frog or a red eyed green tree frog?

A Green Tree Frog

When do red eyed tree frogs lay their eggs?

red eyed tree frogs lay their eggs in early spring

What is the latin name for a red eyed tree frog?

You pronounce red eyed tree frogs in latin Agalychnis Callidryas.

How fast is a Red Eyed Tree Frog?

The average speed of a red eyed tree frog is a regular frog

How big is a tree frogs brain?

How big is a red eyed tree frog's brain? Then red eyed tree frogs brain is the size of a golfing bal.