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Q: What is another word mucous?
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crater like lesion of the skin or mucous membrane, erosion, excoriation?

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"Mucis" is not a word. Did you mean "music" or "mucous"?

What does the word mucous tell us about the functions of the mucous epithelial cells?


Is the word mucous is it a plural or singular?

The word 'mucous' is an adjective, it has no plural form.The noun 'mucus' is an uncountable (mass) noun as a word for a substance.

What is the difference between mucus and mucous?

The word "mucus" is used with mucus membrane; mucus membrane secretes mucous.

What is the scientific word for boogers?

The scientific word for boogers is nasal mucous. Boogers are not 100% mucous (although most is). Sinuses in the nose produce mucous, which is the able to trap dust, and other substances that should not reach the lungs. Once this is dried together, you have a booger.

Why do you produce 'eye-poo'?

"Eye-poo" is another word for the dried mucous in the corners of your eyes when you first wake up. The eyes produce a thin layer of mucous (also spelled mucus) as a natural protection from dust and other things getting onto the eyeballs. The mucous also keeps the eyeballs moist, which is very important for their health. When we sleep, this mucous can dry up, and more is produced. But the old layer of mucous forms "eye-poo," or "sand" in the eyes. I don't happen to know the scientific term for it!

Can cancer be transmitted by an injection of cancer cells into another persons mucous membranes?


What is 'mucous' when translated from English to Italian?

Moccio is an Italian equivalent of the English word "mucous." The masculine singular noun must be used cautiously since it evokes images of all kinds of "mucous," especially from the nose. The pronunciation will be "MOT-tcho" in Italian.

How do you spell mucousy?

The noun form is mucus, and the adjective is mucous. There does not seem to be a separate word meaning "mucus-y" (resembling mucus).There is another noun mucosity, for "comparative mucousness" (e.g. increased mucosity).

What are the types of membranes lining cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?

Mucous Membrane

Which membrane is adapted for absorbtion and secretion?

Mucous Membrane