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Q: What is anterior left first rib?
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The heart is what anatomical position to the ribs?

the heart is medial/proximal to the rib cage

Is the angle of the rib on the anterior or posterior side of the body?


The first rib is deep to which bone along the anterior thorax?

The clavicle or collar bone.

Is the angle of the rib on the anterior side or posterior side of the body?


Which type of rib has no anterior attachment?

The floating ribs

What structure is anterior to the heart?

Inferior to the heart: Stomach Superior to the heart: Brain Anterior to the heart: Rib cage Posterior to the heart: Spine Latereral to the heart: Lungs

What is the medical term meaning just front of the left?

Left anterior or anterior left

What is the anterior neck muscle which attaches to the ribs is?

The scalenus anterior and the scalenus medius all insert into the first rib (the scalenus posterior inserts into the second rib). They originate from cervical vertebrae two to cervical vertebrae seven (C2 - C7). Each of the scalene muscles has several points of origin, which look like fingers from your spine.

What do you mean by left anterior hemiblock?

Block of anterior branch ol left bundle

What is anterior wall?

Anterior Wall Ischemia: [blockage in the Left Anterior Descending Artery]

How does the surgeon perform an adrenalectomy by the anterior approach?

the surgeon cuts into the abdominal wall. Usually the incision will be horizontal, just under the rib cage. If the surgeon intends to operate on only one of the adrenal glands, the incision will run under just the right or the left side of the rib cage

What it the right rib or the left rib god took and made eve?

it was the right rib.