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Q: What is any easy way to help tell male and female apart frog?
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Why is the first finger of the male frog swollen?

The first finger on a male frog does appear swollen, but is actually a nuptial pad. It is used to help hang on the female during mating.

Can you help me find out what my African clawed frog is?

Look at the circles behind its eyes. These are its ears. If they are larger than its eyes it is a male. If it is smaller, female.

What is the function of a frog's leg?

the function of a frog is to help it jump around

How is the external anatomy of the xenopus laevis adapted to its particular lifestyle?

The xenous laevis, more commonly known as the African clawed frog, lives in a treacherous part of the world. This frog has three long claws on its back feet that help it capture and tear apart its food.

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What does a dart frog look like?

A dart frog is a brightly colored frog that can be as small as your fingernail at a full grown age!! hope this will help!

Way do frog live in ponds?

frogs live in pond environment .list three frog adaptation and describe how they help the frog survive

What is the radio ulna in a frog?

To help them jump.

What do a frog's liver lobes do?

Help them jump.

Are there any sgt frog video games?

Sorry, no Sgt. Frog games for PS2, although there is a Sgt. frog game for DS. Google will help you on that

What is the function of the heart in a frog?

To keep the frog alive and pump blood through their system.The functions of the frog's heart and human heart are same. Frog has got three chambers. But the circulation of the blood in the main function of the frog's act as a pump that provides pressure to move blood to its ultimate destination.

What is the function of a frog's External Nare?

When the frog is swimming, its can breath by only putting the tip of its nose out of the water. Uses it to breaththey help the frog breathe underwater :)