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The apostrophe is the superscripted comma ('). On my keyboard it shares with @.

Its purpose in grammar is to :

Indicate missing letters eg it's for it is, aren'tfor are not


Indicate the possessive case eg The boy's bike ie The bike of the boy

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Q: What is apostrophe in grammar?
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Is more birthday's to come is correct in grammar?

It is more birthdays to come. There is no apostrophe.

How does It's fit into grammar?

"It's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has" in English grammar. It is used to combine the pronoun "it" with the verbs "is" or "has" to form a shorter, more informal expression.

Its nice spending time with my husband correct grammar?

It's nice spending time with my husband. other than the apostrophe in the first word, the grammar was correct.

Who is Hannah Montana friend?

Geez. Can't you guys get your GRAMMAR CORRECT!!?? you need to put an apostrophe "s" after the montana!!!

What is your family strengths or family's strengths. The correct grammar?

What is your family's strengths. It is a possessive, so there is an apostrophe before the s.

What is a contrations in grammar?

It's contractions. If you mean that, a contraction is when two words are 'merged' together with an apostrophe (i.e. ') replacing one of the letters.Examples:it'shasn'tshouldn't

If a last name has an s do you add apostrophe 's'?

This is an ambiguous point of grammar. Some people will add an apostrophe and another s, while others just use an apostrophe without another s. Personally I don't add another s. The pronunciation becomes too awkward.

Is a pair of pajama's and a pair of bra's the correct grammar?

No.First of all it is grammar, not grammer.But in answer to the question, apostrophes are wrong here. The apostrophe indicates possession: I assume you are not talking about something that is owned by a pair of pajamas or a pair of bras.

What is proper grammar for Its Moms Birthday?

It's mom's birthday. 'It is' is a contraction, so it gets an apostrophe. And 'mom's' is posessive, so it gets one too.

What are synonyms of apostrophe?

There probably aren't any. An apostrophe is a "punctuation mark" and not a noun (like car) or a verb (like to jump) or an adjective (like happy). Punctuation marks usually do not have synonyms. An apostrophe is something you use in grammar to show possession or ownership. John's book. Mary's house. There is no other word for "apostrophe", and no other way to show possession other than using that punctuation mark.

Is correct grammar I pulled two cats tail's?

No, the possessive (with the apostrophe) is used with "cats", since they possess the tails. The sentence should be, "I pulled two cats' tails."

How do you pluarlize a surname that ends in s?

According to traditional grammar and punctuation, add an apostrophe at the end. for instance, something belonging to Mr. DeJesus becomes Mr. DeJesus' something.