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Q: What is as quick as possible mean?
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What does HAVE mean in have quick?

it just means to get quick so have quick please is to get quick GET GET GET GET GET GET

What does it mean to be quick minded?

to be a quick thinker. :)

What does the word asap mean?

The initials ASAP mean "As Soon As Possible". In other words pretty darn quick. Not sure of where this originated but it is commonly used in the United States and abroad.

How do you make everything possible and quick?

Just do it

What word means quick as possible but changing only one letter from soot?

One word that mean as quick as possible that can be made from changing just one letter in the word soot is soon. This is defined as being in a short duration of time.

What does quick and skillful mean?

It mans you do something quick and skillful

Can you catch Cresselia with a quick ball?

yup its possible

What does quick release mean?

a quick release not is when you pull the end of the rope and it 'quick releases' itself

Why are Race cars are streamlined?

race cars are streamlined so that they can try to be as quick as possible and also so that they can acheive the highest speeds that they can. i mean they are streamlined because they want to be quick and overall they wont to win the race :)

How do you get quick off on runescape?

If you mean quick-chat, you can't - just avoid the Quick-Chat worlds.

Is it possible to get a quick ball in FireRed?

No, you cannot get a Quick Ball in the game. The Quick Ball wasn't introduced until Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which was released after FireRed.

What do you do when the power is offline?

Try and get it back on line as quick as possible.