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Q: What is ashma and symptoms?
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The word referring to a respiratory disorder is spelt asthma.

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What is ashma?

it is when the trees in you lunges star swelling and inflating so not that much oxygen gos through, so you get shortness of breath. you can get ashma if one of your parents had it . ashma usually runs in the family. like i got ashma because my mom had it. usually ashma will com in until your 11 or 12 years old. i was 12 when i got my ashma. if you got ashma got to the doctor to get prescription for an inhaler.ashma is when you dont have enought oxygen in you.

Will your ashma come back?

It is possible that a person's asthma will not come back. Most times, when a person has asthma, it is a lifelong problem for them.

Can you get sick from giving a child his nebulizer?

No! You cannot get Ashma from giving medications to another. Ashma is a condition that results as an alergic reaction to that around the patient aflicted. The medications do one of two things. They eitherprevent the airway from closing off or attempt to dialate it and shirink the tissues. The latter are quick acting, short lived, aids. Talk to your physician and discuss what is best.

What is the best treatment for sports induced asthma attacks?

There really is no stable and safe treatment for ashma attacks induced by sports. The best treatment is to limit your exercise when your sick and just limit the cardio and workouts that you do. Leave it to a simple jog.