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Q: What is barbules and pinnae connected to the feathers of birds?
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Where ar barbules and pinnae connected to the feather of birds?

shafts Barbules and pinnae are connected at the shafts of the feathers. This is on a bird.

What is the difference between bird feathers for flying and kiwi feathers?

A kiwi's feathers are shaggy and hairlike, and do not have the "hook and barb" system of flighted birds. Flighted birds have feathers where all the strands are linked via tiny "barbules". These help to keep the feathers stiff, and help with flight.

What is the purpose of preening?

When it comes to birds, preening serves a few difference purposes. Preening aligns their feathers to provide insulation and protection from weather. It's also a way for them to get rid of lice, and it makes them more attractive to potential mates.

What is the function of the hooklets in the feathers of birds?

hooklets help tie the barbules and barbs that forming the feather together. this provide a strong and light structure of feather.

Name some birds who have ears?

All birds have ears, none have pinnae, though some have pinnae-like head adornments.

Why do birds have waterproof wings?

It isn't the natural oils on bird feathers that make a bird waterproof.It was originally thought that a bird's ability to remain waterproof related to the oil-producing gland located on their back. While it's true that birds do coat their feathers with this oil as they are preening, it isn't what makes their feathers waterproof. The natural oil that birds distribute across their feathers as they preen acts as a conditioner. A bird's waterproofing actually relates to the position and alignment of their feathers. When you see a bird preening, you are witnessing the animal meticulously aligning each of its feathers so that they are perfectly interlocked.The interlocking hooks and barbules on feathers is what makes a bird waterproofBird feathers are amazing when you examine them closely. Feathers have a series of hooks, barbs, and barbules, which allow feathers to remain tightly locked together. This interlocking of hooks and barbules is what actually provides an airtight seal allowing bird's skin to remain insulated from water and the elements. In addition to the hooks and barbules locking together, a bird's feathers lay flat against their body similarly to the shingles on your roof. Not unlike the shingles on your roof, if feathers are not in alignment, they are not waterproof. As you can imagine, this is why birds spend so much time preening and aligning their feathers-their survival depends on it.Sources:[related links]Glencoe Science: New York Science, Grade 8

What do birds have that no other animals have?

All birds have feathers and birds are the only animals that do!

What type of body cover does a blue jay have?

As with other birds, the wing of a blue jay is covered in feathers.

Does Kangaroos have feathers?

No. Only birds have feathers. Kangaroos are mammals, not birds.

What are five birds that have feathers?

Pretty much all birds have feathers

Does the kingfisher have feathers?

Yes. Kingfishers are birds, and all birds have feathers.

Do birds have wax on their body?

no they have feathers