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Q: What is basal metabolism and under what conditions it is measured?
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The function of thyroxine is to control metabolism. If you have a under active thyroid then you may gain weight. With and over active thyroid you may lose weight quickly.

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cellular metabolism under anaerobic conditions, leading to buildup of lactic acid

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Is it in the field conditions or under field conditions?

"Under field conditions" is more idiomatic.

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No. A Physical quantity is the one which can be measured. Further, the measured value will not change if the measurement is carried out at different places under the similar physical conditions. Here, the price of the oil container is fixed (not measured ) by the company and it may vary from place to place. -Prakash Landge, India.

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Thyroxine is transported in the bloodstream and can penetrate the cell membrane under certain conditions. It increases heart rate, breathing rate, and metabolism.

How does metabolism relate to enzymes?

The Cell's metabolism is under the utmost control, simultaneously both positive and negative, by ONLY enzymes.

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It is an experiment in which the Joule-Thomson coefficient is measured. Basically, you are expanding a gas under adiabatic conditions to ensure constant enthalpy and you will notice that there will be a temperature change (most likely cooling).

What happens to a population under ideal conditions?

Under ideal conditions, population increases.