

What is basic interpreter?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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An interpreter, in computer programming, is software that takes an accepted syntax, and "interprets" it for the processor, which then executes the results of the interpretation. This is different than a compiler, which directly outputs machine code into a separate binary file (C++ falls in this category), and also different from a script, which is typically run without an integrated, interactive debugging environment (Perl falls in this category).

BASIC is a programming language that was designed to be a beginner's programming language, lacking many features that would be found in many "complicated" languages, such as object-oriented programming, template programming, etc. Many other features, such as function calls, were made explicit compared to other similar languages. For example, in most languages, you would simply type the name of a function to execute it, while in BASIC, you would use GOSUB to explicitly call the function.

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There are very few languages (e.g. old BASIC variants in hobby computers) that have both interpreter and compiler, so your question hardly makes sense. Simply pick a language, and use it.

What was Bill Gates goal?

Develop BASIC interpreter for microcomputers.Use that as an initial product for a software company and make lots of money

BASIC is a.... language?

The original BASIC would be considered an "interpreted" language; the instructions were never translated to machine code, but rather executed as the interpreter reads them. Visual Basic converts the commands into equivalent C++ programs, and then compiles them.

Who was the interpreter?

In the movie "The Interpreter"? Nicole Kidman.

Is the instructions programmers have written in a higher level language?

"BASIC" is not a program, it is a programming language. A particular BASIC-interpreter or IDE may have been written in a high level language, maybe even in BASIC (C is more plausible though).

When was The Interpreter released?

The Interpreter was released on 04/22/2005.