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Q: What is begrudgingly?
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What is a sentence with begrudgingly in it?

I answer these questions begrudgingly.

What part of speech is begrudgingly?

Begrudgingly is an adverb. It describes how an action is performed or expresses the manner in which something is done.

Is begrudgingly an adverb?

Yes, begrudgingly is an adverb.

How do make a sentence with begrudgingly?

My tutor begrudgingly gave me the best example he could, at the time.

What is the antonym of begrudgingly?


What rank does iago begrudgingly hold?


How do you spell begrugingly?

The adverb form "ingratiatingly" is not used as frequently as the adjective "ingratiating" (fawning, obsequious).

What is sara Henderson hays one of the seven has somewhat to say about?

It is Grumpy's complaints about his new life. He is not happy that Snow White has moved in and cleaned the house. He likes it better when he can be a mess with the other "bachelors." However, he begrudgingly likes her, thus he is willing to put up with her until she is married.

What happened in prussia after the nobles allowed Frederick willian to keep his own army?

He used his army to control all of Prussia.

Does Gretzky love hockey?

Gretzky hates hockey. As a child, he loved curling but it turned out that he was much better at hockey than curling, so, to support himself and his family, he begrudgingly took to the sport that he hated and made a somewhat respectable career out of it, although reports indicate that still to this day he wishes he had taken up the sport of his dreams, curling.

What impact did Hitler's Final Solution have on the creation of the State of Israel?

The Holocaust in general and the Final Solution in particular proved to rest of the world what the Jews already knew which is that Anti-Semitism was pervasive enough to result in mass genocide. It was this realization which forced Western Powers to begrudgingly support the Zionist Dream of Creating the State of Israel in the International Legal Arena.

What are ways to tithe?

Rather than specifying an amount or a percentage see what is stated in 1 Corinthians 16:2) By planning and reserving an amount on a regular basis, persons would not feel pressured into giving begrudgingly or on emotional impulse. For each Christian, the decision of how much to give was to be a private matter. (2 Corinthians 9:5,7)