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Q: What is best bait to catch mullet?
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How do you catch the mullet in clam waters?

you use a yellow fish as bait for the mullet

How do you feed the mullet on club penguin soda seas?

to catch the mullet you have to use anothe fish for bait

How do you catch the mullet on club penguin aqua grabber?

well, first catch the worm, using the worm as bait capture the fluffy(yellow fish) then using the yellow fish as bait capture the mullet

How do you catch a mullet fish?

When you see signs of the mullet, catch a normal fish and instead of clicking the top, hold on to it and use it as bait for the mullet then once you've got it, a video will play of your penguin catching it.

What is the best bait for red fish?

the best bait is cut ladyfish, cut mulet, and live mullet.

What kind of bait do Mullet like on the app Flick Fishing?

They LOVE Ragworms. Bait fish is OK, but they wont bite as much, and they wont weigh as much. If you want to catch Hoff (The monster mullet), You need to use ragworms in the breakwater. He's rare but if you dont get him you'll probably still catch a mullet.

How you catch a mullet in aqua crabber?

When it comes to the time you know the mullet is coming up, catch a fish but dont click the top, keep it on your hook, then when the mullet comes use the fish as bait instead of a worm. Hope this helped.

How do you get the fish?

You can catch Mullet by: When you see him getting closer save one of your normal fish and don't put it away when he comes fully on your screen hold it in front of him and he will catch it and you have caught him (the fish is bait to the mullet)

How do you catch a mullet on Flick Fishing?

First of all, to catch Mullet, you have to catch 60 fish. Then catch the lone fish that swims across your screen, but keep it on your line. That should be the bait for the big puffer fish.

How do you catch mullet on soda seas on clubpenguin?

There is a little yellow/orange fish right before mullet appears. Catch that one, but don't take it out of the water. It is bait. Mullet will appear, and you want to align the fish to his mouth. Hold it still, and mullet will take the bait. ah that is on the fish caychong game not soda seas.i am sorry to all that read this i know how you feel probably irataded.cuz that is how i always feel when theese things arent answered.hehelol

Can you catch the mullet in sod seas on club penguin and how much is it worth?

im not sure how much it is worth but u sure cam catch it!!! At the end two fish will go by..catch one and KEEP it...the mullet will go buy and it will eat that as bait..good luck!

In soda seas in Club Penguin where is the other rare treasure?

If you catch the fluffy fish and then feed it to the mullet you will be able to catch the mullet and then release it somewhere else then you will be able to enter the place where the mullet was. This way you will be able to find the rare treasure. But first you will have to get the worm bait. You can get that by knocking on the undersea air place a bait will fall out then you can catch the fluffy fish. it is not true. All there is down there is a big big stack of coins that you can pick up and a crab. Thats all the was.