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They are social creatures and prefer the company of another gerbil.

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Q: What is better 2 gerbils in the same cage or 1?
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Related questions

Can you have a male and a female in 1 cage?

If you're talking about gerbils, then yes you can. They may reproduce though, if they haven't had the snip.

Will male gerbils fight each other in the same cage?

Males are typically calmer and less territorial than female gerbils. But with any gerbil, if it is not already a cagemate or sibling, it must be introduced properly through a split-cage method. You can find many examples of how to do this at: or Hope this helps.

Can you have more than 1 hamster in the same cage?

yes, you can have up two in one cage.

Are gerbils allergic to sawdust?

They are not necessarily allergic to it but sawdust is not recommended for gerbils as they love to burrow and it can get in there eyes. This also includes pine and cedar wood shavings which are hazardous. I use simple unscented wood shavings that won't cause respiritory problems and fill the cage 1/3 to 1/2 full so thy can burrow. You could also use shredded paper but the cage will have to be cleaned more often.

Is it better to get 1 or 2 gerbils?

It is better to get 2 gerbils because getting one get lead to it getting lonely unless you spend 13 hour per day with it. If you get two you only have to spend 15 minutes a day with both of them. Hope this helped!

I have had my gerbils for about 9 months and suddenly after i clean the cage 1 of the female start chasing the other female. This time its been going on for longer and still is.?

maybe cause there both boys...

How many roborovskis can live in the same cage?

I would say 1 or 2. If you have more, then you should get a bigger cage.

Do stores put 1 female and male in the same cage?

Not in commercial cages, but maybe a cage in back for breeding purposes.

Can you modify a rabbit cage with 1 inch space for gerbils using chicken wire around the outside or metal screening?

Not really, because gerbils can climb chicken wire (I've seen one do it with my own eyes!) and when they climb it, it damages their paws or they could escape. A good choice for a gerbil cage is a large fish tank with wire mesh as a lid, since you can hang things like water bottles down from them.

How many corn snakes can you have in 1 cage?

only one ...... if putting more snakes in same cage chance of getting diseases is more,..............

Why are your 1 year old female gerbils fighting?

gerbils just get into little fights like that, a good way to stop it is to add on to your gerbils' cage to give them more space to get away from each other when ever they want :) As long as its not 2 boys together!!!

What do you need to breed gerbils?

well firstly u can only have 1 pie bold one (which means 1 that the gerbil has a mixed colour) they have 2 b in a clean healthy cage do not add any thing 2 the cage when the babies and do not take the mum or dad away from the babies well i think that is all i no sorry if u already knew that i think it is all i no.