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There is electron charge (and mass) everywhere inside the atom. It is not empty space.

There is electronic charge density in the entire volume of an atom. The electrons are said to orbit the nucleus, but that is a short hand description of reality. Reality is described by quantum mechanics and the representation of the location of the electrons is more like a diffuse cloud throughout the atom.
Empty space. Nothing.
Nothing. Empty space.
Nothing between the electrons and the nucleus is nothing

99.9% of that space has no matter in it

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14y ago

In between the nucleus and electrons there is not vacuum or space,there is some thing that is electromagnetic field.:)But everybody is saying that is a vacuum "or" space.

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15y ago

nothing. the order is electrons, nucleus, protons, neutrons

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Empty space

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Q: What is between electrons and the nucleus?
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Protons and neutrons are situated in the nucleus; electrons surround this nucleus. Between the nucleus and clouds of electrons surely is a zone of vacuum; the structure of the atomic nucleus is not exactly known.

How are electrons held within a atom?

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As alkali metals increase in size, the distance of the outermost electrons from the nucleus increases. The attraction between the electrons and the nucleus is electrostatic, and it is a fundamental property of electrostatic attractions that the attraction decreases with increasing distance between the attracting charges. Another way of describing this is that the attractive force is partially "screened" by the inner electrons between the outermost electrons and the nucleus.

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A covalent bond is held together by the attractions between the protons in the nucleus and shared electrons.

What is the between the electrons and nucleus of an atom?

Nucleus is positively charged and contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. The nucleus is present at the centre of an atom. The electrons are negatively charged and revolve around the nucleus.

What is between the electrons and the nucleus of an Atom?

Nucleus is positively charged and contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. The nucleus is present at the centre of an atom. The electrons are negatively charged and revolve around the nucleus.

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Electrons are attracted to the nucleus because of the electromagnetic force between the positively charged protons in the nucleus and the negatively charged electrons. This force of attraction keeps the electrons in orbit around the nucleus.

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What has a strong hold on electrons?

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