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Q: What is big and green has horns and jumps very high?
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How do you change joyful to a phrase?

Very happy.Very joyful.Very happy that he/she jumps up.Very joyful that he/she jumps very high.

Why do they use air horns and not whistles?

Low tone air horns penetrate better through windows, fog etc. High tones are very noticeable but do not travel or penetrate well.

Does the weight of the skateboard matters how high it jumps?

It depends on how high you can ollie. And if ur fat you don't go very high with a heavy board. but if your skinny like me you could jump pretty high.

Can a goat have horns?

It is very natural for a goat to have horns. They use them for defense so goats actually should have horns.

What animal has the largest horns in the world?

NO there are not any animals with blue horns now yellow horns that's a different story.....

Can a helicopter be used for halo jumps?

HALO jumps are normally done at altitudes of 8 to 12 kilometres, and very few helicopters are capable of flying that high. The ones that can reach that high can only do so without any cargo other than the pilot and cannot be maintained for any great distance.

How sharp are cows horns?

very sharp

What does scopey mean?

Scopey means a horse jumps very clean over tall jumps.Very Scopey - Can jump lots of jumps, very tall, without knocking over poles.Not Scopey/Not very Scopey - Can not jump most jumps without knocking them over.

How do you beat Bessie bass on yoshis island ds?

When she jumps very high and comes down to eat you shoot an egg in her mouth. But when i do it it will not die, stupid fish.

What are rossetti french horns like?

They play at very low quality and have high resistance to play loud (which means dynamics are terrible on it) . A cheap Chinese instrument

Why are there very few black rihno?

They are killed for their horns.

Do female cows have horns?

Yes. Both bulls and cows can have horns. Whether a particular sex has horns or not is a very poor method of telling whether a bovine is male or female.