

What is black light made from?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Black is the absence of color. Black lights emit very little visible light. They are mostly designed to emitt radiation near the ultraviolet range. Black lights are made up of many different things. You can type in the phrase 'black light' and will give you more information.

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Q: What is black light made from?
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Black is just a "color" made by a surface chemical absorbing all light, therefore meaning that if there is no light, objects will look black.

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The color of light is made by adding all of the colors of parts of light, called wavelengths, together. Color is made by removing certain wavelengths of the light, and white is made by adding them all together. Black is the absence of light, so instead of adding a color of light to red, you will subtract the red light and leave no light.

What is black made out of?

A object appears black when it reflects or emits no visible light. True black is very uncommon because almost no substance can completely absorb light.

Is black made of all colors?

Yes. Black is made of mixing all colors together so it absorbs all colors. On the other hand all color are in white light that's why it reflects light.

What modifications where made on the light bulb since it was first invented?

there have been many modifications since the light bulb was made but here are some. One modification is that they invented a black light and they have invented halogen light.

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Is a black light a liquid?A black light is a liquid.

Why is light attracted to a black hole?

Light is not only attracted to a black hole, in fact, its attracted to you, to me and to everything made of matter in the universe. The problem is that light is affected by gravity, and the black holes have so much that light significantly change trajectory or the black holes absorb the photons

Is black the absents of color?

No, black is the absence of light, so there is no such as black light and if there is no light, there is only black.

What will happen if you shine a white light in front of a black oject?

Unless it's space, it will reflect some light. This is because there is no man made shade of black that absorbs 100% of all light shone on it. Some natural examples of true black is pure carbon and space.