

What is blackra1n exe for?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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11y ago

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blackra1n exe is a crucial process in iPhone 3GS. It is a program that jailbreaks version 3.1.2 of Apple's operating system for iDevices, known as iOS.


blackra1n.exe error is a commonly poppe-up system error that is associated with blackra1n.exe file. blackra1n.exe file is not a critical executable file for system operation, but it is related with certain .dll file and serves as a critical component used for manage certain programs' running situation. In case that you have come across blackra1n.exe error messages on PC screen, you may consider simply disabling it to temporarily get rid of it.

Furthermore, even if blackra1n.exe hasn't been recognized as a major risk for PC performance, it also has the ability to perform dangerous tasks to seriously reduce the system performance.

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How do you download blackra1n?

Blackra1n is available at the official website (in the related links section)

Does blackra1n unlock iPhone 3G?

"blackra1n is a program that jailbreaks versions 3.1, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 " So if you have any of the listed iOS firmwares then blackra1n will work for you.

Can you jailbreak 3.1.3?

no not with blackra1n

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After installing blackra1n itunes says you have to restore your ipod?

After installing blackra1n it will say that because it accomplishes the jailbreak on the fly which means it patches up the firmware in recovery mode. if you have ipod touch 3g then you have to run it twice (blackra1n). the ipod touch 3g is a tethered jailbreak by the way which means that when you turn it off or to reboot it you have to run blackra1n to get to restart.

Can you delete blackra1n?

Yes, when you finish installing it, it has a bar on the bottom that says, "Uninstall Blackra1n". Just click that and your iTouch/Phone is completely restored.

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What are some jailbreak sites?

blackra1n, absinthe

Can you jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 on blackra1n?

no but there are other ways...

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Spirit, blackra1n, or redsn0w

What is the difference of jailbreaking iPhone with Blackra1n versus the Pwnage Tool?

They do basically the same thing but blackra1n installs the blackrain app(whick can be uninstalled) on your ipod/iphone then you go in the app and choose what you want to use to get jailbreak data and cool stuff. Basically, they are the same thing, but blackra1n is WAAAAAYYYYYYY EASIER!!!

How can you unluck your iPhone?

Use Blackra1n to jailbreak your iphone, then use bootneuter in cydia to unlock iphone to any service. PS: downgrade firmware to 3.1.2. before running Blackra1n.