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He was reading so many books and thought that they were better than the real world so he slipped inside of them.

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Don Quixote blames enchanters for making the windmills appear as giants. This showcases his delusional belief in knights-errant and chivalric adventures.

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Q: What is blamed when Don Quixote discovers that he has actually been fighting a windmill?
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Why did Don Quixote fight the windmill?

he thought they were giants

How do you get to the windmill on Astro Knights?

Follow Don Quixote.

Who is the artist of the Windmill of Don Quixote?

"Tilting at windmills" by Gustave Dore .

Without whom would the windmill have been impossible?

Don Quixote and Dulcinea

After being knocked down by the windmill how does don quixote explain the fact that he has not killed a giant?

Don Quixote explains that the enchanter Friston turned the giants into windmills to rob him of his glory in battle. He believes that Friston did this to take away the recognition for his heroic act of defeating the giants, ultimately maintaining his delusion that he was fighting giants.

What happens when don quixote attacks the windmill?

When Don Quixote attacks the windmill, his lance gets caught in the sail, causing him to be violently thrown from his horse. This event serves as a humorous and ironic moment in Miguel de Cervantes's novel "Don Quixote," highlighting the disconnect between Don Quixote's delusional chivalric ideals and the reality of his surroundings.

How you can Describe don Quixote's adventure with the windmill?

Don Quixote mistakes windmills for giants and charges at them on his horse, believing he is a knight on a noble quest. He ends up getting thrown off and injured by the windmill's blades, illustrating his delusional nature and the disconnect between his romantic ideals and reality.

What is incongruous about the branch Don Quixote selects to replace the lance shattered at his encounter with the windmill?

The branch Don Quixote selects to replace his shattered lance is actually just a common, dried-up pig's tail. This replacement is incongruous because it lacks the grandeur and symbolism of a proper knight's lance, highlighting Don Quixote's misguided quest as a delusional knight errant.

What is incongruous about the branch Don Quixote selects to replace the lace shattered at his encounter with the windmill?

The branch Don Quixote selects to replace the shattered lace is a thorny acacia branch, which is incongruous because it is spiky and rigid, unlike a lace which is delicate and soft. This reflects Don Quixote's disconnect from reality and his tendency to see ordinary objects in a distorted way.

What does Don Quixote admire most about knights?

Don Quixote admires the sense of chivalry and honor that knights embody. He is inspired by their bravery, nobility, and dedication to fighting for justice and defending the weak.

Who is Don Quixote's foil?

Sancho Panza is often considered to be Don Quixote's foil. Sancho is practical, down-to-earth, and focused on the realities of life, serving as a contrast to Don Quixote's idealistic and often impractical view of the world. Their dynamic highlights the contrast between romanticism and pragmatism.

Who is the Knight of the White Moon Is he another villager trying to trick Don Quixote into staying home Explain?

The Knight of the White Moon is actually Sampson, a rival suitor to Marcela, the woman Don Quixote is trying to defend. He challenges Don Quixote to a duel in order to prove his love for Marcela. This challenge ultimately results in Don Quixote being defeated and agreeing to return home.