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Food becomes bolus after it's been chewed and swallowed. It then turns to chyme as it leaves the body. Once chyme has left from the stomach, it is then called feces.

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Q: What is bolus called after it moves out of the stomach?
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When food is in the stomach what is it called?


What squeezes food down to stomach?

Your esophagus moves it so even when you eat upside down it will still go to your stomach. The series of muscle relaxations (infront of the bolus) and contractions (behind the bolus) that moved food down the esophagus is called peristalsis.

What is the food broken down in the stomach called?

The medical term for it is "chyme" (KIME).

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What is bolus un the stomach?

A bolus is a lump of food

What moves a bolus of food from the mouth to the stomach?

first it goes through a door called the epigladus, then goes through the rset of you esophagus then is dessoulved by your inzime juices.

How is a chyme formed?

chyme is formed in stomach. the food we eat is churned and then swollowed as bolus. this bolus is grinded and made into an paste , which is thouroghly mixed with the gastric juice in the stomach, and this is called as chyme.

What is the mixture of food and saliva after eating?

Called a bolus, at least after having exited the stomach.

What is the foodstuff called once you chew and swallow it before it enters the stomach and what is it called after it leaves the stomach?

Once chewed and swallowed as it goes through the esophagus into the stomach, it is called bolus. Once out of the stomach into the small intestin it is called chyme.

How does food get from the mouth to the stomach?

It is chewed and mixed with saliva, then swallowed into the esophagus and called a bolus. Then muscle contractions called peristaltic action propel it down. When it gets to the cardioesophageal sphincter, it opens up and allows the bolus (food and saliva mixture) to enter the stomach.

Where does peristalsis move food to?

Peristalsis starts in the back of the tongue and moves food down the esophagus to the stomach. The food is later squeezed into the small intestines where peristalsis moves the food 'bolus' (BOW-luss) down the small intestines to the large intestine, or colon. Peristalsis in the colon moves the bolus into the rectum, which makes you feel like you have to go to the bathroom. Peristalsis in the colon and rectum force the bolus down and out and into the toilet.

What is ball of food gathered by the teeth tongue and salivary glands?

In digestion, a bolus (from Latin bolus, ball) is a mass of food that (with animals that can chew) has been chewed at the point of swallowing. Under normal circumstances, the bolus then travels to the stomach for further digestion.