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Q: What is bone loss after menopause called?
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The lossof bone dencity that may occur in the later years of life is called?

The early signs of loss of bone density is called osteopenia. The later condition in which loss of bone density is significant is called osteoporosis.

What vitamins are good for a woman going through menopause?

Red clover isoflavone supplements have been shown to help with the signs and symptoms of menopause. They also help with bone loss and numerous other ailments that come along with aging.

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What is the risk for osteoporosis for a 50 year old woman?

If you have a family history of osteoporosis, osteopenia (mild bone loss but not considered osteoporosis), or any other bone related disease, you have a mild chance of developing bone loss. After early adulthood, being a woman, and reaching menopause all greatly increase your odds of developing this disease.

What is a Non-pathological loss of bone that occurs with aging?

it is called osteopenia.

What is is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition where bone creation is outpaced by bone loss. This causes bones to become brittle, and even mild stresses can lead to fracture. Osteoporosis can affect anyone, but white and Asian women past menopause are at highest risk.

When does bone loss start to occur?

when does bone loss exceed bone gain

Can menopause cause memory loss?

Here you are more likely to suffer from mood swings then loss of memory.

What are the functions of fluoride?

Small amounts of fluoride help reduce tooth decay. Adding fluoride to tap water (called fluoridation) helps reduce cavities in children by more than half. Fluorides also help maintain bone structure. Low doses of fluoride salts may be used to treat conditions that cause faster-than-normal bone loss, such as menopause.

Why does osteoporosis affect women more than men?

Hi, Firstly osteoporosis is a condition where the rate of bone loss is greater than the rate of bone production. There are many factors which contribute to the condition including, race, diet, lifestyle, hereditary factors and gender. As women reach the menopause their levels of oestrogen (female sex hormone) decrease. This substance is important in the production of bone and a reduction leads to a lower bone mass density (BMD). Lower oestrogen leads to an increase in bone reabsorption and a decrease in bone production [1]. In men, however, decreased levels of testosterone (male sex hormone) have a less dramatic effect on bone loss.

What are the best diet supplements for women?

Women may benefit from iron supplements during childbearing years to help with the loss of iron from blood during normal monthly menses. Calcium is also an important supplement for women past the age of menopause to offset bone calcium loss.