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Q: What is branching coral?
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What type of corals grow in branches?

Two types of coral that exhibit branching are fan coal and finger coral. Fan Coral: comes in many colors, has soft finger- like branching that is rounded at the ends. Finger Coral: distictively gray growing in thick colonies.

What is the definition for the term highest point of reef stoutly branching coral?

the terrace

What might you find in a coral?

Healthy coral reefs are filled with lush coral growth. Healthy coral reefs have rounded or branching masses. Many of the coral formations resemble branching trees and large domes. The coral is rich in color because of the algae (zooxanthellae) that live in the coral tissures provide sugars that the coral needs for nutrition. They are often rich tan, orange, purple, and green in color. Colorful reef fish swim in and around the coral reef. Sea animals such as sea anemonies, sea jellies, sea urchins, and sponges also live there.

How old does a coral get?

Corals don't really die, they can reproduce asexually though budding and branching, and sexually, but the original corals don't seem to ever die of "old age"

Is the smooth muscle branching or non branching?


When was Branching Out created?

Branching Out was created in 1958-09.

How branching differes in roots versus sterms?

Branching in roots is endogenous and in stems it is exogenous

What is the branching pattern of a birch tree?

The branching pattern of the Lodgepole Pine is Alternate

Increase branching of a hydrcarbon has what effect on its octane rating?

Increasing branching increases octane rating.

How are dichotomous keys and branching diagrams different?

dichotomus key is a tool that is used by the scientist can use to help identify a particular specimen while branching key is just branching into two.

Do most conifers exhibit excurrent branching or deliquescent branching?

They exhibit excurrent branching because their terminal buds grow tall and straight with branches coming from a large central shaft.

What is branching diagrams used for?

A branching tree diagram shows prbable evolutionary relationships among organisms