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Q: What is c' est nuageux in English?
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What is the French 'Il fait nuageux' in English?

In French, "Le temps est nuageux", "le ciel est nuageux" mean that "it's cloudy". 'Il fait nuageux' is grammatically correct but this is not a sentence a native speaker would use.Native speakers would use "Il fait gris" (It's grey) - notice that this form may sound incorrect but is in fact coming from "Il fait un temps gris" (which would sound strange for the natives).

What is 'C'est nuageux' when translated from French to English?

C'est nuageux in French means "It (the weather) is cloudy" in English.

How do you say it is overcast in French?

the weather is overcast = le temps est couvert, le temps est nuageux

What is the French word meaning cloud?

cloudy is nuageux, nuageuse in French. le ciel est nuageux (the sky is cloudy), la nuit était nuageuse (the night was cloudy)

What is c' est in English?

It is (or it's)

What is 'nuageux' when translated from French to English?

"Cloudy" and "overcast" are English equivalents of the French word nuageux. The word functions as a masculine singular adjective in a phrase or sentence. The pronunciation will be "nwa-zhuh" in French.

What does c est facile mean in English?

It is easy.

How do you say 'It is cloudy' in French?

le ciel est nuageux ; il y a des nuages ; le ciel est couvert.

What is 'Il fait nuageux' when translated from French to English?

"It's cloudy" and "It's overcast" are English equivalents of the French phrase Il fait nuageux. The declarative statements translates literally as "It is doing/making cloudy" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel feh nwa-zhuh" in French.

What does La saint valentine c est mean English?

St Valentine's Day.

What is est ta in English?

Est ta in English is Is your.

What does this mean in English c est en France ou en grande Bretagne?

This means "Is it in France or in Great Britain?" in English.