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quills the pointy part is called quill

a quill is also a feather pen

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Q: What is called of the parts of the porcupine sharp needles for defense?
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What is a Porcupine?

A porcupine is a mammal with sharp needles for defense. It is a herbivore and lives in the smuggy parts of North America. All porcupines also have the ability to float in water.

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How does a porcupine adapt?

An adaptation of the porcupine is their sharp claws, which they use to tear off parts of trees to eat. They also have quills, in order to protect themselves.

Are there any porcupine species that live in deserts?

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The answer is "spare parts for a porcupine" with no spaces.

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Hedgehogs have spikes on their body similar to a porcupine. The only difference is they don't have the ability to shoot them out. These needles are very sharp when they are up, which would make any animal trying to eat them uncomfortable.

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Roots, trunk, branches, twigs , needles and cones.

What are the three parts common to all needles?

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Spare parts for a porcupine (all one word, no spaces)