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food making

and plants breathe carbon dioxide

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Q: What is carbon dioxide hydrogen and oxygen used for in leaves?
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Related questions

Do oxygen and hydrogen and carbon dioxide weigh the same?

No, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide have very different weights.

Why doesn't hydrogen produce carbon dioxide?

How could it? There is no carbon in hydrogen. It order to make carbon dioxide, you must have carbon and oxygen.

How many number of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in three molecules of carbon dioxide?

there is no hydrogen in carbon dioxide. since carbon dioxide is CO2 there are 3 carbon and 6 oxygen atoms in three molecules.

Name three gasses?

Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen.

Does the hydrogen on methane go when it becomes carbon dioxide?

Methane burns in oxygen and gets oxidised. Carbon is oxidised to carbon dioxide, hydrogen to water.

What is involved in photosenthesis?

The answer to this question is very in-depth. In a nutshell: the plant absorbs carbon dioxide through the stoma (small holes) on the bottom of the leaves. Light strikes chlorophyll molecules in the leaves, causing a reaction that splits a water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen joins to carbon dioxide, creating carbohydrates, and the oxygen is released into the atmosphere.

What substances are formed when carbon and hydrogen and oxygen react?

carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water.

What two ingredients are necessary for combustion?

Carbon and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide, CO2, during the combustion of fuel.

Can carbon and oxygen form into water?

No. Water is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen. Carbon and oxygen will combined to form carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide.

What is in fizzy drinks carbon dioxide hydrogen nitrogen or oxygen?

Carbon dioxide is what makes drinks fizzy.

From where do the plants get carbon oxygen and hydrogen?

Plants get these elements from carbon dioxide and water.

How does Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse in and out of a leaf through the?

leaves have pores on there underside that allow carbon dioxide in and let oxygen out