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For now, only Plants and Phytoplankton perform this Function.

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Xander Hahn

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Q: What is carbon taken from the atmosphere?
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What substance in the atmosphere enters the food chain through photosynthesis and provides the carbon that is used to make all organic molecules?

Carbon is taken from atmosphere. It is the main source

What is carbon taken from the atmosphere through?

For now, only Plants and Phytoplankton perform this Function.

How is carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere besides photosynthesis?

Some carbon dioxide is absorbed by the top levels of the oceans where it is beginning to turn the oceans more acidic. That and photosynthesis are the only ways that carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere. Industries that emit carbon dioxide pollution are trialling ways of trapping carbon dioxide as it goes up the chimney stacks (scrubbers).

Summarize the carbon cycle starting and ending with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.?

The carbon cycle is a process where carbon is removed and returned to the atmosphere. The ways of returning carbon to the atmosphere are- 1. Respiration 2. Decomposition 3. Combustion Ways of removing carbon- Photosynthesis. The CO2 in the air is taken in by green plants for photosynthesis. The green plants die eventually and is decomposed; decomposition return carbon to the atmosphere. Animals respire and return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Decomposers respire as well. Green plants can be used to make fuels, which combust to return carbon dioxide to the air.

What process in organisms is responsible for the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

Respiration. Oxygen is taken in and used by the muscle along with glucose. The product of this reaction is Carbon dioxide

How is carbon extracted from atmosphere?

Carbon is removed from the atmosphere in some ways. For example, plants and trees eliminate carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Carbon will be released into the atmosphere when an organism dies.

What is taken in from the atmosphere through leaves to make food for a plant?

carbon dioxide is taken in through the leaves and is then used in the process of photosynthesis to make food for the plant.

What the from of carbon in the atmosphere?

Most of the carbon in the atmosphere is in the form of carbon dioxide, (CO2) gas.

What is locked up' carbon?

Carbon dioxide that has been taken out of the atmosphere and trapped inside oceans, sedimentary rocks, volcanoes etc. from billions and billions of years ago :)

Why carbon can not enter the atmosphere?

Carbon can enter the atmosphere. It moves in and out of the atmosphere through the earth's regular carbon cycle.What it can not do is enter as pure carbon. Carbon is a solid in it's natural state and solids fall out of our atmosphere. Carbon must mix with a gas, such as oxygen, to create another gas, carbon dioxide, to enter the atmosphere.

What did Algae lower in the atmosphere?

Great blooms of oceanic algae, or phytoplankton, take carbon out of the atmosphere during photosynthesis. It is then taken deep into ocean with them when they die. Scientists say that this helped cool the earth during the ice ages by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it at the ocean floor, where it cannot be recycled back into the atmosphere.

Process by which carbon circulatesaroundthe earth as plants remove carbon from the atmosphere and animals add carbon to the atmosphere?

Carbon Cycle.