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Molecules, atoms, ions, or other small particles of whatever sort are moving all the time; there is random thermal motion even when these particles are part of a larger object which is not moving. These moving particles are constantly bouncing off each other, in perfectly elastic collisions in which no energy is lost, so they just keep moving. The result of this random motion is that a concentration of a substance will gradually spread out, unless it is contained in some manner.

In summery random motion of a substance resulting in movement from area of high to lower concentration.

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Q: What is cell diffusion and how does it work?
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Diffusion occurs on the cell membrane.

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The plasma membrane of a cell plays a role in diffusion.

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If the diffusion is moving particles from higher to lower concentration, it uses no energy from the cell; this is passive diffusion. However, if it is active diffusion, the cell is pumping out specific molecules into a higher concentration, therefore using energy.

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