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the jelly like stuff in the cell

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Q: What is chloroplast for a school?
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If our school was a cell what would the chloroplast be inside the school?

The chloroplast in our school would be food at lunch.

What is a school analogy for chloroplast?

cafeteria worker

What is an Analogy for chloroplasts in a school?

the chloroplast of a cell is what produces its food as in energy, so in a school the chloroplast can be a back up generator like a solar panel since it uses the sun to produce energy and store it.

What would the job of a chloroplast in a school?

I've been told that it would be solar pannels if the school had solar panels

How does chloroplast relate to your school?

I really don't know but Donovan Thompson Castro was here.

What makes food in plant cell?


Chloroplast is compared to what in a school?

Chloroplast is part of lunch in a school because they feed cells food from water,sun rays and different other stuff and i hope this helped you alot so good luck :):):):):):):):)

What is a cell school analogy for a chloroplast?

You can compare the chloroplast in a plant cell to a solar panel. Much like a solar panel, the chloroplast receives energy from the sun and converts it into sugar and the green coloring to a plant. A solar panel uses the sun's energy to convert it into energy to light a house etc.

What do chloroplast's do?

Chloroplast perform photosynthesis.

Does gloeocapsa has chloroplast?

Gloeocapsa does not have chloroplast because it is a prokaryote. Only plants have chloroplast

Part of chloroplast?

roshelle mesina love alberto The parts of Chloroplast are - Stroma and grana.

What is the organelles of plants where photosynthesis occurs?
