

What is cloud computing that dreamforce offers?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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DreamForce is a company that provides cloud computing which will basically allow you to store some data online and use the internet just like a hard drive. However, this may or may not be right depending on how important your data is.

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A list of cloud computing applications can be found at It offers a comprehensive list with well-defined explanations for each.

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Learning Tree International, for example, is a company that offers a cloud computing overview. It offers a comprehensive course which brings forth the pros and cons of such technology. They offer live, in class demonstrations. Also, NIST Cloud Computing Videos are available online.

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Microsoft Cloud Computing | now Go With A Private Cloud Solution That Doesn't Charge Per VM. HP Cloud Computing - What Can Cloud Do for Business? Find Out About HP Cloud Offerings.

What is the best yet easiest to understand website regarding cloud computing tutorials?

The Cloud Tutorial is a great website which offers a lot of info on cloud computing. Access the site at

Where can I find examples of cloud computing online?

Amazon offers extensive cloud computing resources and a good explanation of them. You can also read about it on Wikipedia at

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Microsoft Windows is compatible with cloud computing. Cloud computing can be thought of internet based service offerings. This would include things like website hosting, or online storage. Microsoft works well with nearly all cloud based application, and offers their own cloud computer services. If you are interested in what Microsoft offers, you can check it out be going to

How can I learn to build cloud computing?

There are some different websites that offer software you can download to help run cloud computing. The website VMware offers an architecture toolkit and a brochure.

Where can someone find reviews on dreamforce?

Dreamforce, the annual SalesForce cloud computing event, draws thousands of SalesForce users every year for networking, workshops, and industry updates. Each year, the web's popular tech and marketing websites cover the Dreamforce event and post their reviews on popular sites like Eweek, ZDNet, PCMag, Forbes, and PCWorld. You can even find reviews and videos of the event on YouTube.