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Q: What is coagulation for in the body?
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What causes hyper-coagulation?

wot causes hyperness and how does the body react to it.

What is coagulation of blood?

coagulation of blood is what happens to blood when the body dies or once it gets to air. it clots coagulation is a process of combination of colloidal particles (size less than one micron) and destabilize from its normal form.

What does Hemostasis lead to?

coagulation, or the formation of a blood clot,which turns into scab if it is on the outside of the body.

What is the humoral coagulation system?

The humoral coagulation system refers to the protein coagulation factor component.

What is the biological process of coagulation about?

Coagulation is the process by which blood cells begin to clot to prevent further blood loss. When the body senses it is losing blood the platelets in the blood rush towards the wound to begin clotting the blood.

What is the significance of coagulation?

Coagulation is a process where solids begin to form, in a liquid. Like when your cut begins to scab over, that is coagulation.

What is coagulation of an egg?

what is blood coagulation?

What coagulation factors are measured by the PT?

Prothrombin time (PT) measures the activity of coagulation factors in the tissue factor pathway of the coagulation cascade.

Coagulation in cooking?

Coagulation is the thickening of a dish due to gelling of fat or gelatin.

Which of the following is important in blood coagulation?

Vitamin K is important in blood coagulation.

What is coagulation value?

normal values of blood coagulation is 4 to 7 min

What word has a meaning similar to coagulation?

The word "clotting" applies to the coagulation of blood.