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Q: What is come this way in Welsh?
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Where do Welsh ponies come from?

Welsh ponies originated in Wales. Welsh people come from the same place, but this may be a coincidence.

How do you say 'come in' in Welsh?

The phrase 'come in' in Welsh is "dewch i mewn".

Where did the welsh pony come from?


What is 'come on' in Welsh?

Dewch ymlaen

Where do welsh cakes come from?

* Wales, orignated from South Wales in WWI

How do you say come here in welsh?

"Dee yma" is how you say "come here" in Welsh.

Do Welsh ponies come form whales England?

The Welsh pony comes from Wales.

What colors do Welsh ponies come in?

Welsh ponies can come in many diffrerent varieties of colours but the main colour a welsh ponie would be is dapple grey/ are a list of colours welsh ponies can come in.BayBrownBlackdapple greyRoanwhitechestnutSkewbaldor patchedAnswer 2:Welsh Ponies can come in ANY solid colour, though they do not come in any form of appaloosa or coloured (including pinto, paint, piebald/skewbald etc)just clarifying :)

When did the Welsh come to Canada?

The first Welsh man to come to Canada is believed to be Sir. Thomas Button in 1612. Other Welsh people started to come to Canada in 1763 after the signing of the Treaty of Paris and following the after math of the American revolution.

Where did the word corgi come from?

cor means dwarf in welsh and gi means dog in welsh

Which country does Welsh come from?

Welsh originates from Wales, a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is a Celtic language spoken by the Welsh people in Wales.

What name does Megan come from?

The name is Welsh :)